Gleistein becomes climate-neutral
Since 2021, Gleistein's production is climate-neutral at all production sites and the company can now offer its customers climate-neutral products.

Gleistein's corporate values and the awareness that only resource-conscious and ethically responsible production and sustainable usage of its products drive the company's sustainability efforts long term, which go far beyond political and legal requirements.
As Bremen's oldest industrial family business, sustainability has always been a self-evident principle for Gleistein. In view of the global situation, the issue has gained importance on all levels in recent years and plays an ever-greater role in the company. Back in 2015, Gleistein was awarded Bremen's first Climate Protection Company thanks to the installation of a combined heat and power plant, the conversion to LED lighting, and the switch to green electricity. This already saved 20% on CO2 emissions at that time.
As of 2020, the company employs a sustainability manager to further focus on the topic. Over time, many individual efforts have grown into a holistic sustainability management that is constantly evolving. Today, Gleistein pursues comprehensive sustainability goals in economic, ecological, and social areas.
CO2 balancing as the foundation for responsible value creation
A key component of Gleistein's sustainability agenda since the base year 2020 has been CO2 balancing as a basis for the annual calculation and documentation of corporate emissions. These are carried out in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard and cover a wide range of areas included in the different scopes. Gleistein's CO2 strategy follows the approach avoid, reduce, compensate. Where possible, CO2 emissions are to be reduced or completely avoided. Ultimately, Gleistein uses the option of offsetting remaining emissions through certified climate protection projects.
After many years of efforts to avoid and reduce emissions - for example by increasing energy efficiency or using green electricity - the company has decided to offset the remaining CO2 emissions generated during production (Scope 1 + 2) as a final step. By supporting certified climate protection projects in the areas of renewable energies and reforestation (, Gleistein has been able to guarantee its customers climate-neutral production at all production sites since 2021.
The carbon footprint of every fibre
Gleistein goes one step further: outside of the production process, the manufacturing of raw materials, packaging, and logistics also generate a lot of emissions (Scope 3). In these areas too, Gleistein strives to reduce or completely avoid CO2 emissions. This is done for example by using bio-based or recycled raw materials, lower-emission packaging, or by recycling production waste to benefice a circular economy.
With the help of comprehensive recording of all required emission factors, Gleistein can calculate the CO2 footprint of each of its products. As a result, all interested customers can already be offered any product in the Gleistein product range on a climate-neutral basis. This is done by calculating and then offsetting the individually incurred CO2 emissions. The climate neutrality is officially certified by the environmental services company ConClimate GmbH.
Further information on the subject of sustainability and Gleistein’s extensive efforts can be found on the company’s website in the sustainability section.
(Text: Micheline Schwammborn)
Press contact:
Gleistein GmbH
Andreas Linder
Heidlerchenstrasse 7
28777 Bremen, Germany
+49 (0)421 69049-0
linder @