The Gleistein DNA
What do we stand for?
Gleistein, founded in Bremen Vegesack in 1824, has been manufacturing fibre ropes for almost 200 years and has asserted itself as one of the leading suppliers in the global market with superior products and system solutions. This could give one the feeling: We probably haven't done everything wrong, and we'll certainly manage to do it again tomorrow.
But that is simply not enough for us: we wanted to clarify what Gleistein is all about at its core: which values we follow, what we are driven by and what future we want to work towards. So that we keep getting better and better.
Lived values are more effective than rules and prohibitions
The value compass provides a broad outline of what is important to us at Gleistein. But there is more: together with all employees we have compiled how our values become a lived reality in our daily interaction: As actionable values. This resulted in our identification campaign "Gleistein ... because", in which we all commit ourselves to Gleistein's community of values: collectively and individually at the same time.
What motivates us every day?
Gleistein is Bremen's oldest industrial family business. And not by coincidence, because trustful relationships with employees, customers and partners are an ever-present aspiration for us - and thus a driving force. They are the foundation of every sustainable development.
At the same time, we love ropes and the reason for their existence: fibre rope solutions by Gleistein provide resilient, reliable, and durable technical connections everywhere. From this awareness we draw strength time and again.
We are passionate about inspiring projects that connect us with the world we live in and reflect our contribution to a better society.
It is from the interconnection of these three fields of reference that our purpose emerges:
Where is the journey leading?
Admittedly, even at Gleistein we are already well occupied with the present a lot of the time.
But the best way to know what the future holds is to actively shape it. And then, of course, in such a way that it leads us to a world worth living in. So far, it has been our vision of the perfect connection that has been guiding us. Sounds good and is in fact still true, but it is not enough to meet the challenges of the next 200 years. Yet that is exactly what we owe to both our purpose and our values.
Therefore, we are committing ourselves: