Mooring lines
For mooring lines, the work begins when the vessel comes to rest: they provide support and cushion shocks, but must also be strong and flexible. Premium solutions from Gleistein also offer outstanding longevity and considerable benefits in handling due to their low weight. As such, they are quickly superior to cheap alternatives – even in economic terms.

Premium mooring system with cost-efficiency
Light, compact, and durable
The high-quality main mooring line with Dyneema®. It weighs just a fraction of the weight of a conventional mooring line, but lasts many times longer.
Someone has to do the work
The highly efficient tail. It absorbs the shocks and wears like a conventional mooring line, but only constitutes the last few metres of the ensemble and can be exchanged in a flash.
Acquisition costs are amortized after only a few years. But the substantial savings in weight and space as well as the easier handling can be enjoyed right from the start!

A main mooring line and a tail are always combined together.
Main mooring line
FlexTwin | X-Twin Plus-Cover | DynaOne® ISO | TexteelTwin® Plus-Cover | TexteelOne®
Cruise Tail | GeoSquare® TailMaster | GeoSquare® Plus

What lasts longer will quickly save you money – and save waste for us all
It is easy and very enticing to design a rope construction type in such a way that it seems more efficient according to technical data. Yet this is often at the price of a dramatically shorter service life – thereby making it fraudulent in terms of life cycle costs and its environmental balance. Ropes made by Gleistein deliver a perfect balance between high strength and a long operational life.
High-end cordage based on renewable raw materials
Premium manufacturer and long-time Gleistein partner DSM Protective Materials starts with the manufacturing process of its superior Dyneema® fibers: Raw gasoline extracted from wood enables production without any loss of quality!
Gleistein customers are now benefiting from this innovation.
And more will follow - contact us!

Conventional mooring lines are made of high-strength fibres with balanced stretching properties. In combination with our meticulously optimised designs, they offer the best conditions for safe mooring, first-class shock absorption and long service life. Especially for small and medium-sized vessels, they prove their advantages over combined systems.
The key argument for conventional mooring lines is usually their attractive price. Gleistein has clearly positioned itself in the highly competitive international market: We also focus on outstanding quality in this segment, which is particularly noticeable in the significantly longer service life of our solutions compared to price-optimised offers from competitors. This makes them the more economical alternative after only a short time.
Our range extends from classic, particularly easy-to-splice square braids to a selection of high-quality round braids and the dimensionally stable WinchMaster for tough winch applications.
Mooring Rope Manual
Everything you need to know
Make it last
Protective elements for maximum lifespan
Soft shackle for fast handling
Sustainable ropes
Possible without compromising performance.
Test laboratory
Discover the highest testing standards
Mooring Solutions Catalogue
FLX mooring system and conventional mooring lines
Safety instructions
Note our recommendations
[Richard Boydon, Deputy Director Marine Operations | Marine Holland America Group
"Their mooring ropes and service is outstanding. We are glad to have them as a partner as we move together forward, for safer and more efficient mooring solutions."